
Make 1 Increase

by Knit Purl Hunter / Michelle Hunter

A make one increase (M1) is a nearly invisible increase creating a knit stitch. Many of today’s designers prefer the make one over the popular kfb (knit into front and back of stitch) which creates a knit stitch followed by a purl stitch. Discriminating knitters can use the Make One Left and Make One Right for beautiful leaning increases in gussets and yokes. Confused? Watch my newest video and try this easy to execute increase.

Click here to view a Make 1 Increase.



by Knit Purl Hunter / Michelle Hunter

Cables are the best bang for your buck in knitting! Cable designs look difficult, but are so simple to execute. Start with these easy cables and work your way up to more complicated versions. All levels of cables follow the same principles and you will be very impressed by the professional look achieved with such minimal effort. We don’t have to let all those non-knitters in on our little secret!

Click here to learn more about cables.


A special thank you to Michelle Hunter for allowing us to share these tutorials with you.  Happy Knitting!